Sunday, May 1, 2011


Okay, determination is a good thing. But is there such a thing as too determined? Why? you might ask. Well, there is a family of robins that frequent our yard. Here is one of them, we'll call him Mr. Robin.

Mr. Robin is trying to build a nest. He has been trying to build a nest for two weeks now. I am sure Mrs. Robin is getting ready to lay eggs and needs a place to lay the eggs, so Mr. Robin has been trying to get a nest ready.

Unfortunately, the place Mr. Robin has chosen to build a nest is the light outside the front door of our house. Call me crazy, but I just don't want a nest hanging on the light outside my front door. So, it has been a battle of wills the last couple of weeks. He starts a nest, I take it down. He starts again, I take it down again. Sometimes this happens four or five times a day. I thought the Robin family had given up and found a new place to build since I hadn't seen them for a couple of days. But guess who showed up this morning?

Yep, a very determined Mr. Robin and the start of yet another nest. Sorry Mr. Robin, but I took it down. I really hope they find another place to build.
Until next time...

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